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The winners of the GS1 Healthcare awards

Mr. Liang Yan is this year’s recipient of the GS1 Healthcare Provider Recognition Award and Hospital de Cascais Lusíadas Saúde in Portugal wins the GS1 Healthcare Provider Implementation Best Case Study Award.Mr. Yan is President of the Shanghai Pudong Medical Device Trade Association, Vice President of the Medical Devices Industry Association, and Senior Consultant of Policy and Regulations and International Cooperation in the Institute of Food and Drug Safety of Shanghai Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Find more in the presentation here.

The winner of the GS1 Healthcare Provider Implementation Best Case Study Award is Hospital de Cascais Lusíadas Saúde, represented by Vasco Pereira, Marco Ramalho and Nelson Martins. Find more in the presentation here.

Congratulations on your achievements and contributions in making global healthcare processes and environments safer and more efficient by using GS1 standards.

Read more about the winners and how to apply for the HPAC awards here.