The Global Language of Business

Ulrike Kreysa, Vice President GS1 Healthcare, speaks at POLITICO's Annual Health Care Summit

Ulrike Kreysa, Vice President GS1 Healthcare, participated in the POLITICO’s Annual Health Care Summit “Achieving effective, innovative and sustainable health care systems” in Geneva on 11 October 2016. Ulrike took part in the panel discussing how the EU can influence global public health policy. The other panellist were Roberto Bertollini (Robert Bosh Academy), Josep Figueras (EU Observatory on Health systems and policies) and Francesca Colombo (OECD). Around 150 participants attended the event and amongst the attendees were European and local regulatory authorities, global health organisations, healthcare industry, solution providers, and consultancies. Ulrike commented that “Discussions did not focus on the usual topics about which GS1 usually gets involved. This means it was of high relevance for us to participate and to emphasise the need for hospitals to invest and implement technology, helping and supporting them to deliver safer patient care”.
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