The Global Language of Business

Evolution of traceability in Argentina

Dr. Maximiliano Derecho, Legal Advisor with Argentina’s ANMAT (National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology), shared their track and trace system that uses a harmonised system of GS1 standards like the Global Trade Item Number® and the Global Location Number. Ongoing activities and remaining challenges were also addressed, including:

  • The need for constant training and ongoing support in the provinces
  • Targeted inspections of agents’ premises aimed to solve difficulties
  • Ongoing meetings with all stakeholders including the presentation of proposals that help to improve the national traceability system (NTS) implementation
  • Evaluation of technological advances and their potential to aid NTS
  • Improvement of NTS implementation at healthcare institutions
  • New and agile solutions for managing high volumes of units

Also discussed was the implementation of grouping tags for logistics units, involving many serialised units of medicines, up to three aggregation levels, possibly using the GS1 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC).
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