Position Papers Find here all GS1 Healthcare position papers Publications & Papers Discussion paper on the use of RFID on healthcare products (2023) GS1 Healthcare recommendations on the use of GS1 standards to access digital content on medical products (2023) Discussion paper on global harmonisation of the traceability system for medicines for the domestic market in India (2023) Discussion paper on the use of global vs national standards for the codification of medicinal products to implement the EU Falsified Medicine Directive in France (2023) Access online information for healthcare products with the existing GS1 Barcode (2023) Clarifications on the GS1 Company Prefix (GCP) (2022) The key role of GS1 DataMatrix barcodes for product identification in healthcare (2021) Discussion paper on the barcoding of medical devices using GS1 standards (2021) Position paper on the link between GS1 Standards and "Identification of Medicinal Products" (IDMP) (2021) Position paper on the identification of the primary package level of drugs - supported by EFPIA and EAHP (2021) Recommendations on GTIN Allocation on pharmaceutical products in the context of Brexit and the EU Falsified Medicine Directive (2021) Discussion paper on the application of the UKCA marking on medical devices identified with GS1 standards (2021) Discusion Paper on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Unique Device Identification (UDI) data connection (2020) Regulatory Roadmap: Traceability of Medicinal Products (2020) Discussion paper on aggregation in pharmaceutical supply chain (2020) Clinical patient pathway (2019) Global identifiers for enhancing efficiency and patient safety - A collaborative work between the International Hospital Federation and GS1 (2019) Position Paper on Global Model Number (GMN) management guidance regarding mergers and acquisitions (2019) Discussion paper on medicines identification requirements on primary level packaging using GS1 standards (2019) How GS1 can help you comply to the U.S. FDA UDI rule Cooperating standards in healthcare (2018) GS1 Patient & caregiver ID - Standards for precise patient identification (2018) Guidance on using NTIN in EPCIS visibility events (2018) Discussion paper on recent developments of the Russian system of goods labelling with identification means (2018) Endorsement paper - Healthcare leaders endorsing GS1 Healthcare Acronym Decoder list (2017) Delivering life-saving treatments and end-to-end traceability for patient safety (2017) Guidance on GTIN – SNOMED code GS1 DataMatrix - A tool to improve patient safety through visibility in the supply chain (2017) GS1 Guide on Unique Device Identification (UDI) implementation in the USA and in the EU (2017) Recommendations on a harmonised implementation of traceability system using GS1 standards in China (2017) Recommendations on a harmonised implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines Directive using GS1 standards (2016) Discussion paper - towards a globally harmonised barcoding system for pharmaceuticals in China (2015) Public policy discussion papers - a compilation (2015) Healthcare Supply Chain Integrity enabled by EPCIS How Global Data Synchronisation Network enables UDI Discussion paper on multi-market packs for pharmaceutical products (2014) Discussion paper on facilitating the implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines Directive with GS1 Standards (2014) Discussion paper on Mobile Authentication Services (MAS) (2013) Joint Industry Position Paper on Serialisation and Product Verification IFPMA, EFPIA, PhRMA - November 2013 Position statement on Barcode Symbol Issues (2012) Position statement on IT Interoperability (2012) Healthcare supply chain & GS1 standards brochure (2011) Position statement on GS1 Data Matrix implementation (2011) Discussion Paper on Product Identification in Healthcare (2010) Position statement on camera-based scanners (2009) Position statement on design of databases to support 14-digit product identifiers (2008) Position statement on global approach for automatic identification standards in healthcare (2007)