All Link Types

Nearest equivalent:

The GS1 Web Vocabulary collects terms defined in various GS1 standards and data systems and made available for general use following Linked Data principles. It is designed as an extension to and, where relevant, mappings and relationships arising from that vocabulary are made explicit.

The initial focus of the GS1 Web Vocabulary is consumer-facing properties for clothing, shoes, food beverage/tobacco and properties common to all products.

This includes properties related to EU 1169 as defined in the GDSN and GS1 Source Standards. In addition, the vocabulary includes the definition of parties and of a product offer (a product offered by a party for a price). Properties and their definitions come from existing GS1 standards including GDSN, GS1 Source and GPC. Exceptions to this rule include the definition of Offer which does not exist in any of the above standards.

New terms are developed and ratified according to the Global Standards Management Process. Terms may be suggested and commented on in the vocabulary’s GitHub repository .

The GS1 Web Vocabulary was originally developed as the primary output of the GS1 SmartSearch standard but it now fulfils a broader remit. The GS1 SmartSearch standard enables businesses to benefit from:

  • More accurate search results for consumers to find the products and information they need.
  • A lower bounce rate, i.e. people landing on a page and immediately navigating away as it's not relevant to them.
  • Improved conversion rate from visits to sales.
  • Improved, accurate online product information.
  • Shared product information via consumer-facing mobile devices and websites, which ultimately drive sales.

Further information and support tools for the GS1 SmartSearch are available.

The GS1 Digital Link standard makes it possible to express any set of GS1 identifiers as a Web URI and therefore the identified item can be the subject of machine-readable facts and assertions made about it. The GS1 Web Vocabulary includes the link types used in GS1 Digital Link to annotate links to related resources, such as product information pages, instruction manuals, related videos, certification information, brand owner APIs, traceability information and more.

Terms from Scan4Transport cover extended address information suitable for deliveries, especially 'last mile' deliveries.




PropertyExpected TypeDescription

Link Types:

Link Type PropertyExpected TypeDescription

Type Codes:


Type Code Values:

Code ValueNameDescription and URI

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All Type Codes


All Link Types

Link TypeDescription
gs1:activityIdeasA link to ideas for using a product or engaging in other forms of entertainment, particularly with children.
gs1:allergenInfoA link to a description of the allergen information.
gs1:appDownloadA link to a related mobile app
gs1:brandHomepageClinicalA link to a brand presence aimed at clinical professionals.
gs1:brandHomepagePatientA link to a brand presence aimed at patients.
gs1:careersInfoA link to information about jobs, careers, or other employment opportunities associated to an organisation or location.
gs1:certificationInfoA link to certification information.
gs1:consumerHandlingStorageInfoA link to information about safe handling and storage for consumer use.
gs1:defaultLinkThe default link for a given identified item to which a resolver will redirect unless there is information in the request that is a better match.
gs1:defaultLinkMultiA set of 'default links' that may be differentiated by information in the HTTP request headers sent to a resolver to enable a better match than the single default link.
gs1:epcisA link to an EPCIS repository of visibility event data.
gs1:epilA link to an electronic patient information leaflet.
gs1:eventsInfoA link to event details. For a page specifically for scheduling a reservation or booking an appointment, see gs1:scheduleTime.
gs1:faqsA link to a set of frequently asked questions.
gs1:handledByUsed when one resolver redirects all request URIs that match a given pattern without further processing, such as from GS1 to a brand-operated service. See section 7.7.1 of the Digital Link standard, version 1.1.
gs1:hasRetailersA link to a list of retailers.
gs1:homepageA link to general information about an organisation or brand. Typically the homepage of an organisation's website. It may include links to further information such as certifications, careers, payments, reservations, etc.
gs1:ingredientsInfoA link to facts about ingredients.
gs1:instructionsA link to instructions, such as assembly instructions, usage tips etc.
gs1:jwsA link to a JSON Web Signature
gs1:leaveReviewA link through which a review can be added.
gs1:locationInfoA link to a map, directions, or other location-related information. For B2B location information, see gs1:logisticsInfo. For details specific to hours of operation, see gs1:openingHoursInfo
gs1:logisticsInfoA link to B2B logistics information related to a physical location.
gs1:loyaltyProgramA link to information about a loyalty program, including a member's current status and/or a registration option for new members
gs1:masterDataA link to a source of structured master data for the entity. This is typically for B2B applications.
gs1:menuInfoA link to menu details. This may include food menus, services, or other offerings provided by an organisation or at a location. For details specific to allergens only, see gs1:allergenInfo . For details specific to nutrition information only, see gs1:nutritionalInfo . For details specific to ingredients only, see gs1:ingredientsInfo .
gs1:nutritionalInfoA link to nutritional facts.
gs1:openingHoursInfoA link to details on hours of operation.
gs1:paymentLinkA link to a place where payments details are provided and/or payments can be made by the user.
gs1:pipA link to information specifically about the identified item, typically operated by the brand owner or a retailer of the product and aimed at consumers. It may include links to further information, product description, specifications etc.
gs1:productSustainabilityInfoThis term has been deprecated. Please use gs1:sustainabilityInfo instead.
gs1:promotionA link to a promotion.
gs1:purchaseSuppliesOrAccessoriesA link to information about where supplies or accessories for the item can be purchased or ordered.
gs1:quickStartGuideA link to a description of the key features needed to be understood to begin using the item or interacting with something new.
gs1:recallStatusA link to information about whether the product has been recalled or not, typically an API.
gs1:recipeInfoA link to a recipe website.
gs1:registerProductA link to an entry point for registering ownership of a product including for warranty purposes.
gs1:registryEntryA link to an entry in a register, such as a business register or register of locations. Such registers may act as alternative identifiers, such as official company numbers, LEIs, other location identifiers etc.
gs1:relatedImageA link to any image that depicts or relates to the identified entity (e.g., trade item, assets, business process, patient record, location, organisation, etc.)
gs1:relatedVideoA link to any video, or document that has an embedded video, that describes or relates to the identified item, organisation, or location in some way.
gs1:reviewA link to reviews.
gs1:safetyInfoA link to safety information.
gs1:scheduleTimeA link to a site that offers information on scheduling, appointments, or reservations. This may or may not allow the user to book the reservation.
gs1:serviceInfoA link to service or maintenance instructions.
gs1:smartLabelA link to the product's SmartLabel page.
gs1:smpcA link to Summary Product Characteristics. To be used specifically when linking to information for healthcare professionals.
gs1:socialMediaA link to a social media channel. The title will typically be replaced by the name of the channel.
gs1:statisticInfoA link to information about statistics regarding an organisation, location, or other entity.
gs1:subscribeA link to a subscription form
gs1:supportA link to a source of support such as a helpdesk, chat support, email etc.
gs1:sustainabilityInfoA link to information relating to sustainability and recycling requirements or processes.
gs1:traceabilityA link to traceability information (includes track and trace). Traceability information may be provided for consumption by humans or computers. If the target is an EPCIS repository, use gs1:epcis instead.
gs1:tutorialA link to a tutorial or set of tutorials, such as online classes, how-to videos etc.
gs1:userAgreementA link to an agreement or waiver.
gs1:verificationServiceA link to a GS1 Lightweight Messaging Service for verifying the status of a product, organisation, or location and its identifier.
gs1:whatsInTheBoxA link to a description of all the individual items in a packaged item.

PropertyExpected TypeDescription

PropertyExpected TypeDescription

PropertyExpected TypeDescription

Defined values for this Type Code

Code ValueNameDescription and URI

Subclasses ⇩


Superclasses ⇧


Expects value of type:

Value is expected to be of type:

Classes having this property:

Used with these classes:

Properties expecting this type of value:

Property expecting this typeExpected TypeDescription

Related properties (with the same domain and range):

PropertyExpected TypeDescription