The Global Language of Business

NHS Trust harnesses the power of standards for huge advantages

GS1 barcodes are scanned at points of use, enabled by wristbands on every inpatient. Each staff member also has their own barcode. Derby is also using barcode scanners to read GS1 barcodes on products for inventory management and at points of care for medication management, consumption and management solutions.

Since April 2014, Derby has experienced dramatic benefits, these include:
• Business process efficiencies equating to approximately £25,000 per month after costs (includes general surgery, imaging and catheterisation laboratories), with an annual impact of £300,000 for a system rolled out in 30% of its theatres
• Reduction in non-stock spending by at least 5-7%
• Cultural change to help reduce waste with staff only opening and using what’s needed
• Automated replenishment of stock with clinician time diverted back to patient care
• Reductions in the stock levels and increased visibility of consumption based on adjusted minimum/maximum levels
• Decreases in delivery charges by grouping orders
• Reduction in stock storage space that can be re-allocated for other uses

Read more about the case in the Reference Book 2016-2017.