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GS1 Healthcare Membership

Make your voice heard, join our community

If you want to participate in the efforts of the GS1 Healthcare Work Teams, then become a member!

I am a

  • Customised training: Everything you need to know to implement the GS1 standards efficiently in your hospital
  • Global network of experts: Meet with other healthcare experts (manufacturers, distributors, hospitals and regulators) to share trends and shape future requirements
  • Global visibility of the hospital: Thanks to our global network of experts, increase the visibility of your organisation as a leading implementation site via conferences, webinars and meetings
  • Knowledge sharing: Enable improvements in patient safety, operational efficiency and drive financial savings to deliver organisational outcomes

  • Public Policy working group: Actively monitor and contribute to developments and implementation of pharmaceutical traceability and unique device identification across the world
  • Global network of experts: Engage with industry experts (manufacturers, wholesalers, hospitals, logistic and solution providers) to understand trends and anticipate evolutions
  • Strategy input & Leadership nominating: Participate to the global standards development and maintenance to influence and anticipate standardisation
  • Knowledge sharing: Collaborate globally to address industry challenges to improve patient safety and supply chain security

  • Solutions Providers working group: Collaborate with your peers and GS1 Member Organisations to raise awareness about the need of developing interoperable supply chain and clinical solutions
  • Global network of experts: Engage with industry experts (manufacturers, wholesalers, hospitals, logistic and solution providers) to understand trends and anticipate evolutions
  • Global visibility in communication materials of the organisation: Increase global exposure of your organisation through educational webinars, case studies and global events
  • Knowledge sharing: Collaborate globally to address industry and innovation challenges to improve patient safety and supply chain security

Join GS1 Healthcare

GS1 Healthcare registration form

For more information, contact us

List of current global voting members

Logistic providers & Wholesalers