(Registered attendees can request access to the majority of session presentations on request)
Breakout Session : Le rôle des standards GS1 dans le secteur de la Santé
Breakout Session: The role of the GS1 Standards in Healthcare
Opening plenary: Delivering powerful clinical outcomes globally
Plenary Session: Essential vaccine traceability
Breakout Session: Why product master data is essential for patient safety
Breakout Session: Public Policy Global Traceability for Pharmaceutical Products
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Plenary Session: What can GS1 standards bring to Clinical Trials?
Plenary Session: What scanning a barcode at point of care really means!
Day 1 - Tuesday, 15 November
UI 1
Breakout Session: Achieving cost reduction in healthcare with improved outcomes
Breakout Session: Understanding the role of standards for digital interoperability
Plenary Session: Scanning the medical product barcode to access product information online
Plenary Session: Important updates from around the world
Breakout Session: Interconnecting digital healthcare solutions
Breakout Session: Driving supply chain digital transformation in emerging markets
Plenary Session: Preventing falsified medicines through secure traceability
Plenary Session: Efficient hospital logistics to deliver better patient outcomes
Day 2 - Wednesday, 16 November
UI 1
Breakout Session: Clinical Trials - Practical lessons for implementers
Breakout Session: Achieving supply chain efficiency through innovation
Plenary Session: What are the benefits of unique device identification (UDI)?
Plenary Session: Why Clinical Systems Adoption of GS1 standards is essential
Breakout Session: Public Policy medical device regulatory Session
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Breakout Session: Standards supporting sustainability in healthcare
Plenary Session: Leaders in GS1 standards implementation share their experiences
Closing Plenary: What we can achieve together
Day 3 - Thursday, 17 November
UI 1