The Global Language of Business

Recent GS1 standards & guidelines postings

A summary of all the most recent GS1 standards, guidelines and other important GSMP document postings is below. The detailed log of all postings, including minor errata fixes, can be downloaded here.

Month/Year Publication
Jul 2024 GS1 Web Vocabulary, Release 1.11
Jun 2024 EPC Compliant Generation-2 RFID Devices Conformance Requirements, Release 3.0.0
Jun 2024 GS1 Digital Link Standard: URI Syntax, Release 1.5
May 2024 2D Barcodes at Retail Point-of-Sale Implementation Guideline, Release 1.0.0
May 2024 GS1 Product Video Standard, Release 1.0
May 2024 GS1 Global Data Model v2.10
May 2024 GSCN 22-246 Electronic health record patient demographics
May 2024 GS1 Attribute Definitions for Business, Release 2.5
May 2024 Three part Trade Item Performance Protocol guideline
May 2024 GDSN Release 3.1.28
May 2024 GS1 Global Product Classification Standard, May 2024 publication
May 2024 GSCN 21-283 Master UDI-DI for registration of certain type of medical devices within EUDAMED
Apr 2024 GS1 Product Image Specification Standards, Release 4.4
Apr 2024 GSCN 24-040 Global Model Number, Data Carrier Clarification
Mar 2024 GSCN 24-004 Medical Device definition
Mar 2024 GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide, Release 37
Mar 2024 GS1 Package and Product Measurement Standard, Release 3.2
Feb 2024 GS1 Global Data Model Attribute Implementation Guide, Release 1.12
Feb 2024 GS1-Conformant Resolver Standard, Release 1.0
Feb 2024 EPC Tag Data Standard (TDS), Release 2.1
Jan 2024 GS1 General Specifications, Release 24.0
Jan 2024 EPC™ Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Generation-2 UHF RFID Standard, Release 3.0
Dec 2023 GSCN 23-347 Removal of healthcare use of AI (8200), GSCN-23-291 Clarification of wording related to encoding Global Model Number in a data carrier & GSCN-23-249 Clarification of section regarding HC scanning
Nov 2023 GSCN 23-290 Data carrier choices
Oct 2023 GSCN 23-169 Barcode Placement
Oct 2023 GSCN 23-070 Related Trade Items
Oct 2023 GSMP Manual, Release 3.7
Oct 2023 GSCN 23-244 Corrects notations & GSCN 23-243 Clarifications
Sep 2023 GS1 GTIN Management Standard
Aug 2023 GSCN 22-250 Non-new identification rules/application standard
Aug 2023 GSCN 23-041 Consistent Terminology for 2D & GSCN 22-353 Scan4Trasnport Temperature Requirement Application Identifiers
Aug 2023 GS1 Style Guide, Release 5.4
Jul 2023 GSCN 23-060 Multiple barcodes management practices GTIN & Attributes rule
Jun 2023 GS1 Global Data Model Market Stages Guideline, Release 1.0
Jun 2023 GS1 XML Release 3.6
Jun 2023 GS1 Pharmaceutical Clinical Trial Electronic Messaging Standard Implementation Guideline, Release 1.2
Jun 2023 GS1 EDI Clinical Trials: Semantic models of the healthcare clinical trials package
Jun 2023 GSCN 23-117 Global Location Number (GLN) clarity/definition & GSCN 23-112 Magnification factor
Jun 2023 GSCN 23-016 GTINs in a 14-digit format and GSCN 23-056 2D in Retail: Symbol placement guidelines
Jun 2023 GSCN 21-307 New GS1 Application Identifier for digital signatures
May 2023 GS1 EPCglobal Tag Data Translation (TDT) Standard, Release 2.0
Apr 2023 GSCN 22-376 2D in Retail: Multiple barcodes management practice
Mar 2023 EPCIS & CBV Implementation Guideline, Release 2.0
Mar 2023 GSCN 22-327 2D in retail Human Readable
Mar 2023 GSCN 22-006 Updates for Restricted Circulation Numbers (RCNs), GSCN 22-345 Updates for Version Control Number (VCN) & GSCN 22-334 Updates for the name of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe abbreviation to UNECE
Mar 2023 GS1 System Architecture, Release 11.1
Jan 2023 GTIN Management Guideline for Construction Products, Release 1.0
Dec 2022 GSCN 21-402 Clarification on allocation standards and rules and GSCN 22-300 Deprecate “mutual agreed” language and X-dimension
Nov 2022 GSCN 22-309 GS1 Digital Link URI format for 2D in retail
Nov 2022 GSCN 22-316 Clarity regarding the allocation of a GTIN for non-branded items
Nov 2022 GS1 EDI Semantics business document specification and technical mappings for DESPATCH ADVICE, Release 1.0
Nov 2022 GS1 Semantic Model Methodology Writing Rules Standard, Release 1.1
Nov 2022 GS1 Semantic Model Methodology for EDI Standard, Release 1.1
Oct 2022 GSCN 22-276 Remove the individual section Table of Contents
Oct 2022 GS1 Mobile Ready Hero Images Guideline, Release 2.1
Sep 2022 GSCN 22-150 Clarify the rules and guidance related to identifying non-branded trade items & GSCN 22-169 Correct an inconsistency around GTIN-8 for trade item grouping
Sep 2022 GSCN 22-172 Simplification of wording in section 8
Aug 2022 GS1 EANCOM, Standard
Aug 2022 GSCN 22-163 New GS1 Application Identifier 7011 for Test by Date
Jul 2022 GSCN 22-031 Future State Retail Application Standard Profiles (Barcode Conformance)
Jun 2022 GSCN 21-423 Updates for the identification of product bundles
Jun 2022 Core Business Vocabulary Standard, Release 2.0
Jun 2022 EPCIS, Release 2.0
May 2022 GSCN 21-256 Updates for a new glossary term GS1 identification licensee
May 2022 GS1 EDI Semantics business document specification and technical mappings for ORDER, Release 1.0
May 2022 GS1 EDI Semantics business document specification and technical mappings for ORDER_RESPONCE, Release 1.0
Apr 2022 GSCN 22-072 Updates to section 3.2 to clarify the use of character set 39 & GSCN 21-318 New GS1 Application Identifier 4309 for Ship-to / Deliver-to GEO location
Apr 2022 GSCN 22-071 Updates to GS1 General Specifications to denote optional components of GS1 Application Identifiers
Jan 2022 GS1 EDI Semantics business document specification and technical mappings for INVOICE, Release 1.0
Dec 2021 Encoding Transport Process Information GS1 Implementation Guideline, Release 1.1 update per WR 21-317
Dec 2021 GSCN 21-342 Retail Application Standard Profiles, GSCN 21-325 list GTIN-8 as a permissible key where missing, GSCN 21-289 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number AI (715) for US FDA, GSCN 21-278 improve the definitions of predefined assortments and random assortment and GSCN 21-248 clarify the definition of Dynamic Assortment
Nov 2021 GS1 Product Image Sharing/Delivery Guideline
Nov 2021 GSCN 21-287 Healthcare Minimum AIDC marking revision, GSCN 21-271 Definition and use of GS1-8 prefix, and GSCN 21-258 Clarification of GTIN-14 creation
Nov 2021 GS1 Global Location Number Data Model Solution Standard, 1.0 new per WR 21-180
Oct 2021 GS1 Digital Link Implementation Guideline (Global Edition), Release 1.0.1 per WRs 20-070 & 31-346
Aug 2021 GSCN 20-180 Modernisation and improvements to application standard for Global Location Number (GLN)
Jun 2021 GS1 GLN Allocation Rules Standard, Release 3.0 update per WR 20-180
Jun 2021 Global Traceability Compliance Criteria Standard, Release 4.1 updates per WR 21-164
Jun 2021 Identification of Investigational Products in Clinical Trials Application Standard, Release 1.1 updates per WR 21-040
May 2021 GSCN 21-118 Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) clarification
May 2021 GSCN 21-028 Length of each GS1 Application Identifier
Mar 2021 GSCN 20-061 Global Location Number non-reuse
Feb 2021 GS1 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Traceability Guideline update per WR 20-406
Feb 2021 GS1 Guideline for distributing and shipping biologicals new per WR 20-246
Feb 2021 GS1 Application Standard for usage of ISO/IEC 6523 International Code Designator (ICD) 0209 new per WR 20-382
Jan 2021 GS1 Low Level Reader Protocol, Release 2.0 update per WR 19-274
Dec 2020 GSCN 20-207 Glossary updates, GSCN 20-323 Clarify use of term Add-on, GSCN 20-326 updates on language for EPC/RFID and GSCN-378 data carriers to support non-retail industries.
Oct 2020 GSCN 20-232 GS1 Digital Link URI syntax for consumer mobile devices applications updates per WR 20-232
Oct 2020 Healthcare GLN Implementation Guidelines, Release 2.1 updates per WR 20-136
Oct 2020 GS1 AIDC Fresh Foods Sold at Point-of-Sale Implementation Guideline, Release 1.2 updates per WR 20-028
Aug 2020 GSCN 20-123, new GS1 Application Identifier (395n) for price per unit of measurement
Aug 2020 GSCN 18-207 Scan for transport Mission Specific Work Group deliverables per WR 18-207
Jul 2020 GSCN 20-44 to clarify data character limitation for GS1-128 updates per WR 18-294
Jun 2020 GS1 Architecture Principles, Release 4.0
Jun 2020 GS1 RFID Identification of Pulp Products Guideline, Release 1.0 new per WR 20-075
Jun 2020 GS1 GTIN Allocation Rules for Healthcare, Release 10.0 updates per WR 18-294
Feb 2020 GS1 Digital Link Standard, Release 1.1 update per WR 20-070
Jan 2020 GS1 DataMatrix Guideline in HTML
Dec 2019 GS1 Global Traceability Standard in HTML
Dec 2019 GS1 Pharmaceutical Image Implementation Guideline in HTML
Dec 2019 GS1 Logistic Label Guideline in HTML
Nov 2019 EPCIS for Fighting Illicit Trade Application Standard, Release 1.1
Oct 2019 GSCN 19-281 2D distribution use for Variable Measure Trade Item; GSCN 19-278 Invalid serial number pairing; GSCN 19-208 Multiple barcodes containing different GTINs; GSCN 19-059 Label placement on products for general distribution; GSCN 18-334 GTIN non-reuse for items never produced
Jul 2019 GS1 Lightweight messaging standard for verification of product identifier, Release 1.1
Jul 2019 GS1 Logistics Label Guideline, Release 1.3
May 2019 GSCN for 19-077, new Application Standard for Fighting Illicit Trade
May 2019 GS1 Fighting Illicit Trade Master Data Message Business Message Standard
Apr 2019 GSCN for 19-012 an update for GS1 Global Model Number for regulated medical devices
Mar 2019 Identification of Investigational Products in Clinical Trials Application Standard, Release 1.0.1
Mar 2019 GSCN for 18-087 new GS1 Application Identifier (7240) for Protocol ID
Mar 2019 GS1 Logistics Interoperability Model Application Standard, Release 1.1.1
Feb 2019 GSCN for 18-346 use of GS1 2D barcodes at retail point-of-sale
Feb 2019 GS1 Foundation for Fish, Seafood and Aquaculture Traceability Implementation Guideline, Release 1.3
Nov 2018 Packaging Label Guide
Sep 2018 Identification of Components and Parts in the Rail Industry - Application Standard, Release 1.2
Jul 2018 CBVCN (Core Business Vocabulary Change Notification) WR18-108 Addition of Fish Attributes
Jun 2018 Consumer Product Variant - Implementation Guide
Jun 2018 Leveraging GDSN for the FDA Global Unique Device Identifier Database (GUDID) Implementation Guideline, Release 3.0
Apr 2018 GS1 Human Readable Interpretation (HRI) Implementation Guide, Release 1.2
Dec 2017 Exchange of component/part lifecycle data in the rail industry, application standard, Release 1.0
Nov 2017 Tagged-Item Grading Grade Definitions Guideline, Release 1.1
Sep 2017 GS1 Fruit & Vegetable Master Data Attribute Implementation Guide, Release 1.3
Sep 2017 GS1 Model for Supply Chain Management in Healthcare Part II EDI Processes, Release 1.2
Aug 2017 Global Traceability Standard, Release 2
Jun 2017 Use of GS1 Identification Keys in GS1 EDI messages Guideline
Apr 2017 GDSN Operations Manual
Dec 2016 Identification of Components and Parts in the Rail Industry - Application Standard, Release 1.0
Oct 2016 How to apply GS1 keys in UBL messages Guideline, Release 1.0
Feb 2016 Gen2v2 Interoperability Test Requirements
Dec 2015 GS1 EDI Healthcare Guidelines
Dec 2015 GDSN Healthcare Use Cases
Dec 2015 Global Traceability Compliance Criteria for Food (Application Standard)
Nov 2015 Vocabulary of GS1 SmartSearch
Oct 2015 GS1 Global Meat and Poultry Traceability Guideline, Release 1.0
Jul 2015 GS1 1D Barcode Verification Process Implementation Guideline
Jul 2015 GS1 2D Barcode Verification Process Implementation Guideline
Jul 2015 Healthcare GTIN Allocation Rules
Jul 2015 GS1 AIDC Healthcare Implementation Guideline
Jul 2015 GS1 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Labelling Consumer Units
Jul 2015 GS1 SmartSearch implementation guideline
May 2015 EPC Information Services (EPCIS) Specification Conformance Requirements
May 2015 GS1 EPCIS for Rail Vehicle Visibility Application Standard
Mar 2015 GS1 Third Party Data Exchange in Healthcare Implementation Guide