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Learn about our standards

Uniquely identify products, places and things

Capture identity and more in a barcode or RFID tag

Share data with trading partners, consumers and patients
In a world of growing data, GS1 standards help you single out what really matters. They give you a common language to identify, capture and share supply chain data—ensuring important information is accessible, accurate and easy to understand.
Standards in action

GS1 Discovery App
Exploring how standards work in CPG, fresh foods, foodservice and apparel

Fighting Illicit Trade (FIT)
Combat counterfeiting and illicit trade with GS1 standards

Apply the global framework for traceability solutions to your business

GDSN in healthcare case study
Learn how GDSN is helping hospitals improve patient care

New quick start guide
Learn how to ensure your products bridge the physical and digital worlds

GS1 standards development
Get involved in solving industry-wide problems with standards
We are here to help in over 100 countries.