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GS1 Digital Link helps deliver valuable e-leaflet information to healthcare providers and patients

In November 2019, amendments were made by the Japanese government to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act (PMDAct) with the aim to enhance patient safety.
GS1 Digital Link helps deliver valuable e-leaflet information to healthcare providers and patients

One amendment called for the transition from paper-based to electronic leaflets (e-leaflets) for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Nearly all pharmaceutical marketing authorisation holders (MAHs) have completed the registration process to link the GS1 Global Trade Item Number® (GTIN®) encoded in the GS1 barcode on the product’s package to the product’s e-leaflet on the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) website. Healthcare providers and patients can scan a product’s GTIN in the barcode and GS1 Digital Link directs them to product’s e-leaflet on the PMDA website. For medical devices, some of the manufacturers have registered their e-leaflets on the PMDA website. Linking the GTINs is now in progress with the goal to complete the process in two years.

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