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Showing 43 results
blue coat
Reducing the global impact of environmentally harmful anaesthetic gases using a medical de...
95% of anaesthetic gases used in an operation are not metabolised by the patient so a significant pr...
Introducing serialisation at Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
Introducing serialisation at Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
Imagine trying to navigate a city with no addresses.
CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and reduced costs
CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and ...
The Women’s Health Hospital – CAISM UNICAMP (CAISM) has always been concerned with the safety of pat...
Successful implementation of electronic health record system for traceability of medical materials
Successful implementation of electronic health record system for traceability of medical m...
In Japan, GS1 barcodes have been used in the healthcare industry for decades, specifically by medica...
Fresenius Kabi: First to provide healthcare providers with GS1 EPC-enabled RFID tagging at the dosage level
Fresenius Kabi: First to provide healthcare providers with GS1 EPC-enabled RFID tagging at...
Fresenius Kabi specialises in lifesaving medicines and technologies for infusion, transfusion and cl...
Leeds Teaching Hospitals takes huge savings in time and spends it on patient care
Leeds Teaching Hospitals takes huge savings in time and spends it on patient care
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) is one of the largest in England with more than 2,000 beds...
Best practice patient safety and traceability of infant feeds at CHI (Children’s Health Ireland) at Temple Street
Best practice patient safety and traceability of infant feeds at CHI (Children’s Health Ir...
In 2016 the hospital was audited by the Food Safety Professionals Association (FSPA).
Sanofi uses GS1 standards in clinical trials for significant operational and human health benefits
Sanofi uses GS1 standards in clinical trials for significant operational and human health ...
With more than 100,000 people in 100 countries, Sanofi is transforming scientific innovation into he...