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Showing 16 results
Efficient rail yard processes with GS1 EPC/RFID
Transport & Logistics, Technical Industries
Efficient rail yard processes with GS1 EPC/RFID
Simplified, faster and more accurate management of rail transport in Finland.
Study of three international health systems showcases the benefits of supply chain transformation
Study of three international health systems showcases the benefits of supply chain transfo...
The seminal research paper, Visibility: The New Value Proposition for Health Systems, proposed a new...
“Speaking in the same language to save time and increase efficiency and safety” - the standardisation of logistics in Chilean healthcare
“Speaking in the same language to save time and increase efficiency and safety” - the stan...
The main objective of Chilean Public Healthcare is to promote equity and quality in access to health...
LM-Dental moving to GS1 standards for dental product traceability with EPC/RFID
LM-Dental moving to GS1 standards for dental product traceability with EPC/RFID
LM-Dental, a leading manufacturer of dental products based in Finland, is implementing GS1 standards...
Carrefour Belgium Optimises its Goods Reception with SSCC and DESADV
Tracing Grapes from Chilean Field to U.S. Grocery: Evaluating Whole Chain Traceability of ...
Enabling vaccine traceability in Canada using GS1 Standards
Common business processes mean better communication