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GS1 IP Resource Library: All forms

Overview of all forms and agreements

Printable, quick-glance overview of all forms

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GS1 Intellectual Property (IP)Policy

The GS1 IP Policy seeks to obtain royalty-free or RAND (reasonable and non-discriminatory) licensing commitments from companies participating in GS1 (GSMP) Working Groups that have Necessary Claims relative to the required features or functions of the standard they helped to develop. The GS1 IP Policy and its signature by Working group participants aims to remove uncertainty regarding IP claims and to protect the GS1 community of users to the greatest extent possible. It ensures that those who develop the standard are not improperly influencing its development. The IP Policy applies to companies and must be signed by an officer of the company representing the headquarters.

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Work Group Opt-in Agreements

Access existing GSMP Group Opt-In Agreements (choose from the list and eSign)

Automatic Opt-In to all Work Groups

This form allows a company to participate as a member in all current and future GSMP Working groups. Designated company representatives have access to work-in-progress and can participate in all Working Group meetings. It applies to companies and their representatives and must be signed by a signing authority representing your company’s headquarters. This is usually a company officer or legal counsel. The Automatic Opt-In applies to all GSMP groups formed after 19 April 2010. Once a company’s signing authority has signed the Opt-in for a particular Working Group, any company employee can then join the Working Group. The Opt-in only needs to be signed once.

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Automatic Opt-Out from all Work Groups

This form cancels all automatic Opt-In agreements going forward for any organisation that no longer wishes to participate in the development of GS1 standards. IP obligations do continue even after a company opts-out of Working Groups. It applies to companies and their representatives and must be signed by a signing authority representing the company’s headquarters.

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Explicit Opt-Out from Specific Work Groups

This form cancels specific Opt-In agreements going forward for any organization that no longer wishes to participate in a specific GSMP group. IP obligations do continue even after a company opts-out of a group. It covers companies and their representatives and must be signed by a signing authority representing your company’s headquarters.

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IP Contribution Form

This form is for participants wishing to make an overt royalty-free contribution of IP to a GSMP Working Group. Organizations, not opted-into a Working Group may also use this form. It covers a company’s specific IP contribution and must be signed by a signing authority representing the company’s headquarters.

View the general form

Request an explicit form

IP Declaration Form

This form provides the opportunity for a company to submit a declaration and request Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (RAND) licensing terms on its Necessary Claims contained in the specification at issue and for necessary IP that it does not wish to license royalty-free. There are 2 IP declaration and review periods during standards development, prior to the ratification of the standard. It covers a company’s Necessary Claims (essential IP) that reads on the standard in question. The IP Declaration Form must be signed by a signing authority representing your company’s headquarters.

View this document and its instructions

Invited Expert Form

This form is used to include a non-Working Group member/consultant/subject matter expert in a group meeting. This form is used for a single meeting and not in lieu of a group opt-in.

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Invited Government Agency Representative Contribution Declaration

This form is used to include a non-Working Group member/consultant/subject matter expert in a group meeting. This form is used for a single meeting and not in lieu of a group opt-in.

View this document and its instructions

E-sign this document

GS1 IP Advisory Group (IPAG) Process Manual

This document describes the role and operating procedures of the GS1 IP Advisory Group (IPAG) within the framework of the GSMP and GS1 IP Policy.

View this document


GS1 Intellectual Property (IP) Frequently Asked Question(FAQs)

Who must sign the GS1 IP Policy?

Download our document called "GS1’s IP Policy Made Simple"

GS1 Acknowledgement Forms are available upon request for those companies who have already signed an IP Policy please contact

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact