The Global Language of Business

Verification Messaging

GS1 Lightweight Messaging Standard for Verification of Product Identifiers

Specifies requests and responses for verification of product identifiers, especially for pharmaceuticals

This standard is intended to provide a simple standardised lightweight messaging framework for asking verification questions and receiving actionable information that immediately enables the requesting party to determine whether to accept, reject or quarantine a product instance, based on such an authentication check of the product identifier and associated data.  It defines a verification request message and a corresponding response message. 

Although this standard was driven by pharmaceutical regulatory requirements in the US, it has been developed as a generic lightweight framework that will support re-use and extension for other product sectors (e.g., food, components in technical industries), in all geographic regions.

This standard is a new addition to the “Share” layer of GS1 standards. At a high level, the request/response is a form of transactional messaging, albeit without a direct link to existing GS1 EDI standards.

This is the first GS1 standard to include JSON as a message response syntax; it is also the first GS1 standard to leverage the new GS1 Digital Link (Web URI) standard for the request syntax.

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