How to reduce medical waste in healthcare?
Our barcodes help to save time and cost in ordering processes with external suppliers. They can be used to track stock expiry dates, thus reducing waste. This ensures the right product is available to patients when they need it.
With the help of GS1 barcodes, hospitals can:
- Ensure the right product is being ordered from their suppliers, accurately dispatched and invoiced
- Order the right level of packaging and ensure this is shipped to the right location
- Reduce wastage by helping goods closest to expiry be consumed first or moved to high-turnover areas
- Understand overall purchasing patterns to collaborate with suppliers more effectively

Work with us
Our aim is to lead the healthcare sector to the successful development and implementation of global barcodes. Learn from other healthcare providers about how you can harness the power of global barcodes to increase supply chain accuracy and reduce wastage in your hospital.
Healthcare Provider Advisory Council (HPAC)
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Find answers to some of the questions most frequently asked about GS1 barcodes by healthcare providers.